Possible Fix For AT&T TV Now Subscribers Not Getting 20 Streams

With AT&T TV Now, users have been able to get 20 streams for $35 a month. However, some subscribers are not getting the promised amount of streams and AT&T is saying there’s nothing wrong with their service. The company just needs more time before it can be fixed. What will happen if this problem persists?

The “AT&T TV Now Subscribers Not Getting 20 Streams” is a problem that has been present for a while. AT&T has released a fix to resolve the issue.

AT&T TV has doubled the number of streams to twenty and boosted the cloud DVR allowed for customers who pay for the recording add-on from 500 hours to limitless. However, the modifications have caused considerable confusion, particularly among individuals who are still considered AT&T TV Now and DirecTV Now customers.


In recent years, AT&T’s TV users have seen a number of modifications to their service. From the service’s name changing many times to numerous pricing hikes (and a price decrease) to the channels they’ve added or lost, there’s been a lot of change. The most recent modification was mostly good in that it addressed two common customer complaints: the number of devices on which they may view at the same time and the amount of recording hours available.

The announcement of the modifications was made a few days ago, but the change did not take effect until today. Subscribers to AT&T TV may now record as much as they want and stream on many devices at the same time, as long as they are at home.


Many AT&T TV Now and DirecTV Now customers, however, have discovered that they are not covered by the current upgrade options. Users have turned to numerous forums to describe the matter, and although some have been able to contact an AT&T TV agent, others have been advised that their account is ineligible. However, for those who are still having problems, there may be a rather straightforward remedy.

Upgrades and add-ons may be related.

Because of the way AT&T TV has functioned in recent years, including grandfathered features, many of its customers are likely to be on drastically different plans. This is true not just in terms of the amount of recording hours they receive or the number of streams they have access to, but also in terms of the monthly price they pay and even the name of their plan. However, a trend has begun to form in one Reddit post, indicating that the current DVR and stream enhancements are likely to be directly tied to the add-ons.

It seems that an account’s eligibility for the DVR or stream upgrade is based on the amount of recording hours or streams it had before. When it comes to the DVR, contacting AT&T TV seems to be the best option. With the extra streams, though, the procedure becomes a bit more difficult.

Basically, any subscriber who previously only had two simultaneous streams will not immediately get the twenty-stream increase. Those who were on three streams before were immediately upgraded (whether they paid the previous $5 add-on or were included for free with a subscription). As a result, it seems that just adding the $5 extra stream option to an existing two-stream plan would instantly convert the account to the twenty-stream plan.

It’s unclear if the $5 add-on must then be activated (and invoiced) or whether they can just cancel the add-on again, given that the system has already logged the change, but this might work for any user who wants those extra streams but can’t get assistance from AT&T TV employees.


Update on the price hike

For reference, the information on the probable resolution for the simultaneous streaming problem came in a post meant to offer an update on the upcoming price rise. Plans to raise the price of AT&T TV Now and DirecTV Now subscriber plans by $10 per month have been abandoned, according to the poster. This information, however, has yet to be validated. The price hike was set to go into effect on March 23.

Reddit is the source of this information.

Samsung-Announces-New-Advanced-Semiconductor-Fab-Site-in-Taylor-TexasImage courtesy of Samsung

Samsung has announced that it will construct a new and sophisticated semiconductor fabrication facility in Taylor, Texas. The project, which is expected to cost roughly $17 billion, is the South Korean manufacturing giant’s greatest investment in the United States. The Taylor website from Samsung is planned to launch in the second part of 2024.

According to Samsung’s announcement:

[…] The expected $17 billion investment in the US will aid in the manufacture of sophisticated logic semiconductor solutions that will power next-generation innovations and technology.

The new facility will produce products based on sophisticated process technologies for use in mobile, 5G, high-performance computing (HPC), and artificial intelligence applications (AI). Samsung is dedicated to helping customers throughout the world by making sophisticated semiconductor production more accessible and addressing the increasing demand for cutting-edge products.

“By building a new plant in Taylor, Samsung is setting the foundation for a new chapter in our history,” stated Kinam Kim, Vice Chairman and CEO of Samsung Electronics Device Solutions Division. “By increasing our production capacity, we will be able to better service our customers’ demands and contribute to the global semiconductor supply chain’s stability.”

“As Samsung celebrates 25 years of semiconductor production in the United States, we are also happy to be providing additional employment and supporting training and talent development for local communities,” Kim added.

“We are thankful to the Biden Administration, in addition to our Texas partners, for fostering a climate that supports firms like Samsung as we try to increase leading-edge semiconductor production in the United States,” Kim concluded. “We also appreciate the administration’s and Congress’s bipartisan support for enacting government incentives for domestic chip manufacture and innovation as quickly as possible.”

Governor Greg Abbott said, “Companies like Samsung continue to invest in Texas because of our world-class business environment and excellent workforce.” “Samsung’s new semiconductor production plant in Taylor will provide innumerable opportunities for hardworking Central Texans and their families, and it will help our state maintain its semiconductor sector leadership.” I’m looking forward to strengthening our collaboration to maintain Texas a technological leader and a thriving economic powerhouse.”

Samsung is the source of this information.

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